02 January 2024

Press brake 165/3000 for Søby

For Søby, a Danish company that creates solutions for grain and crop handling, drying and aeration, we built a custom-made hydraulic press brake. It is an X-press with an Easy design, weighing 165 tonnes and with a working table of 3100 mm. The open-height is 500 mm and the stroke is 300 mm.

Gasparini Adaptive Crowning and E-Reflex

This press brake features two of our main systems. The first is Gasparini Adaptive Crowning, which monitors the sheet metal bending process via two sensors. The deformation of the upper beam is monitored by the first sensor and the second manages the data to match.

The e-Reflex system manages the bending of the press brake structure through a network of sensors distributed both in the machine and in the hydraulic system. Error measurements are compared with the beam position and oil pressure, allowing the actual height of the punch to be calculated accurately, regardless of the deflections taking place.

CNC and software

CNC Delem DA-66S:

  • High-resolution 24’ touch screen (16:9)
  • 3D visualisation of bending sequence
  • 2D programming
  • DXF file import
  • 3D visualisation of offline programme
  • Offline software included: Delem Profile Lite SL 2D
  • Industry 4.0 package

Gasparini AirSlide clamping system

The upper clamp is a pneumatic Gasparini AirSlide type with a height of 110 mm for European-type tools.

This compressed air distribution system allows components to be moved along the beam in any position, without the need for connecting hoses or tools. Components can be added or removed in any combination, maintaining system integrity without air leakage.

Furthermore, the components are self-aligning: the punches are automatically lifted and placed in the correct position. They can be brought closer together thanks to the front centring wedges and support segmented punches, keeping the tools perfectly stable even with the locks open.

5-axis backgauge

The CNC-controlled 5-axis backgauge (X-R-Z1-Z2-X6) offers enhanced versatility over the traditional two standard axes, thanks to the addition of the Z1 and Z2 axes. These additions allow greater flexibility when machining different parts, allowing the lateral movement of references to easily handle materials of different lengths or work on multiple stations.

In addition, the X-axis travel has been increased to 800 mm (with a 1000 mm support surface).

Other systems and accessories

Søby’s folding machine features:

  • ECO energy-saving package
  • 2 standard front supports
  • DSP-AP laser safety system with PLC
  • 1 standard footpedal
  • Provision for Tele-Link Remote Assistance
  • LED lighting of working area
  • Electrical interface for standard robot-operator configuration (with laser safety device)
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