E-Reflex Deformation Compensation System
It features the E-Reflex strain compensation system, which monitors the bending of the structure by means of a network of sensors in the press brake and hydraulic system. The error is measured and compared with the upper beam position and oil pressure. We can thus calculate the actual height at which the punch is located, regardless of deformations.
Clamping system
In terms of clamping systems, the customer opted for:
- Gasparini AirSlide upper pneumatic clamping of 120 mm height for Wila type tools
- lower pneumatic clamping for Wila tools
CNC and Software
The CNC is a Delem DA-69T type, with Delem Profile-T 3D offline software.
This machine has been prepared for the Tele-Link remote assistance function.
The backgauge is 4-axis (X-R-Z1-Z2) CNC-controlled, which in addition to the two standard axes also features the Z1 and Z2 axes. It is characterised by the addition of a stop on one of the references.
Security System
The safety device implemented is the DSP-AP Laser, which provides a reduction in speed and a decrease in cycle time. The system emits a visible laser beam that meets EN12622 standards and ensures the operator is protected from any danger of crushing between the die and the punch.
Other functionalities
This press brake also features
- 1 standard footpedal
- 2 standard front supports
- ECO+ energy-saving system
- GPS4 angle control system for 2 sectors
- double-window GPS4 sector
- electrical interface for operator-robot configuration
- electrical interface for tool change by robot
- interface with third-party offline software
- heat exchanger
- LED lighting of working area